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May 8, 2023

Beginner Dog Training.... May 8 for 6 weeks

Beginner Dog Training.... May 8 for 6 weeks

May 8, 2023

All the basics for a well-trained dog.

For puppies as young as 10 weeks - up to adult....

Eye contact, hand targeting, Polite Leash Walking, Sit, Down, Stand, Stay, Come, Leave It, Drop it, Tug, Polite Meets and Greets, Polite leash walking, Go to your special place. Learn about management and HOW to solve behavior problems. Sometimes just being aware of what you are rewarding can take you far towards having a pet that does as you ask all the time.

Choice based training using positive reinforcement techniques creates a dog that wants to be obedient....and wants to spend time with you. Do you love training?  This class opens a world of opportunities for games and sport training in your future...I can keep you and your dog busy for years with lots of different training games.

Instructor: Carolyn Ross

No class May 29 - Memorial Day Happy Summer!

6 weeks - $189   includes workbook

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Off-Leash Skills Primer - May 8 for 3 weeks

Off-Leash Skills Primer - May 8 for 3 weeks

May 8, 2023

Everyone wants to feel safe having their dog behave while off leash. But...dogs are dogs and sometimes find distractions difficult to ignore.

This 3 week class will explore ways to help your dog learn to listen and stay near you while not being leashed. We will practice heeling, recalls, impulse control, leave it, and other games to help your dog learn to love staying near you on your walks.

While no dog is 100% safe while off leash, there are many skills you can practice to help your dog practice good off leash skills and make your off leash time more relaxing.

Prerequisite: Beginner Dog Training class with DogSense.....or permission from the instructor.

3 weeks - $90

Instructor: Carolyn Ross

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