Workshop - Send Games

December 19, 2024

Teach your dog to move away from go to a mat - or go around a cone.

Sounds like a silly thing you would want to teach your dog, but it actually has lots of practical uses. I use this to send my dog to her cot when I don't want her in the kitchen, or there are different ways you can send your dog around a tree for fun and fitness.

"Out" cues are very handy in agility training also....sometimes you need your dog to choose an obstacle away from you, perhaps even with another obstacle between you.

When your dog understands to move away from you, you can teach different skills. We will work with each team at whatever level they are at.

December Workshop Series pricing:
- 1 workshop - $35
- 2 Workshops - $65
- 3 Workshops - $90

Instructor: Carolyn Ross

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